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社会人 英会話

高槻市赤大路町・高槻市日吉台・箕面市粟生間谷 ➡ 初級~上級レベル...

出張 英会話


児童 英会話

児童英会話 ➡ 園児~高校3年まで...

英検 対策

英検対策 ➡ 1級~5級 ➡ グループレッスン・プライベートレッスン...

small portfolio1 small portfolio2 small portfolio3 small portfolio4
themed object
get in touch

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This is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


企業向け、スタディーグループ など 高槻市、箕面市、茨木市、吹田市、京都 。詳しくは画像をクリック



英検 準会場

Describe the photo or the page it links to


英検 News

Describe the photo or the page it links to

英検合格目指そう学習 → 2020年度第1回検定一次試験....


Describe the photo or the page it links to

スコアアップで評価も上がる ビジネスマン・キャリアウーマンのため....

QUESTION 1-2  Read a text aloud

In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

Are you a global company needing to deal with many foreign currencies? Do you find your bank's exchange rates too low, and their service fees too high? Then take your business to Rapid Exchange. We'll satisfy all your foreign exchange requirements with our one-to-one service combined with our always available online web page that includes instant rate quotes. We even pick-up and deliver your checks and drafts. Give us a call today!

読み方 How to read  
次へDescribe a picture
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