英検3級にチャレンジ third grade QUIZ B

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1) Yesterday Hiroshi was very surprised when a young girl __________asked him the way in english.
2) Tom was out when I called,so I left a __________.
3) My father asked the waiter for another __________of wine at the restaurant.
4) Eric is __________in Japanese movies.He often watches them on weekends.
5) Be kind__________old people on the train.Give them your seat if they are standing near you.
6) I hope to travel __________the world and meet many people.
7) I was __________to receive a letter from my penpal in New Zealand.
8) This is a picture__________near the Golden Bridge in San Francisco.
9) Let's go to the beach.We'll __________fun in the sand.
10) The girl __________the music room is a new student.
11) Have you ever __________a baseball game at Fukouka Dome?
12) My name is Christopher,but everyone __________me Chris.
13) If I don't __________the 7:30 bus,I'll be late for school.
14) I went hiking today,so my shoes are really __________now.
15) Bob __________to go to the bank to get some money.He wants to go shopping.

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