英検3級にチャレンジ QUIZ C

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1) Thanksgiving day is a national _________in America.
2) The gentleman __________us to his birthday party.
3) A library is a place where we can read or __________books.
4) A person who takes care of sick people is a ___________.
5) When we Japanese go to _________countries,we usually use planes.
6) My father __________smoking at last.
7) Who __________lats night?
8) We have known each other ___________we were young.
9) Have you__________been to England?
10) The teacher showed me the book ___________by the famous writer.
11) It is difficult __________Nancy to finish the work in a day.
12) The students had ___________paint a picture of a crow for their homework.
13) Japan has four major __________:Hokkaido.Honshu,Shikoku,and Kyushu.
14) English is a __________spoken in many countries of the world.
15) Baseball is very popular __________Japanese students.

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