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1. amenorrhea -無月経 absence or cessation of menstrual periods.

2. anovulation - 無排卵 failure of the ovaries to produce or release mature eggs.

3. cervicitis - 子宮頸炎 an irritation of the cervix by a number of different organisms.

4. cervix -子宮頸 (しきゅう‐けいかん) the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb) located between the bladder and the rectum. It forms a canal that opens into the vagina, which leads to the outside of the body.

5. chlamydial infection - クラミジア感染症(〜かんせん‐しょう)very common sexually transmitted disease or urinary tract infection caused by a bacteria-like organism in the urethra and reproductive system.

6. climacteric (Also called perimenopause.) -更年期障害 the transition period of time before menopause, marked by a decreased production of estrogen and progesterone, irregular menstrual periods, and transitory psychological changes.

7. dysmenorrhea - 月経困難(症) pain or discomfort experienced just before or during a menstrual period.

8. dyspareunia - 性交疼痛(症) pain in the vagina or pelvis experienced during sexual intercourse.

9. ectopic pregnancy (Also called tubal pregnancy.) - 子宮外妊娠 pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes.

10. endometrial biopsy -子宮内検診 a procedure in which a sample of tissue is obtained through a tube which is inserted into the uterus.

11. endoscopy - 内視鏡検査 (ないしきょうけんさ) use of a very flexible tube with a lens or camera (and a light on the end), which is connected to a computer screen, allowing the physician to see inside the hollow organs, such as the uterus. Biopsy samples can be taken through the tube.

12. estrogen - エストロゲン 《女性ホルモンの特性をもつ発情物質の総称》a group of hormones secreted by the ovaries which affect many aspects of the female body, including a woman's menstrual cycle and normal sexual and reproductive development.

13. estrogen therapy (ERT) -女性ホルモン補充療法 use of the female hormone estrogen to replace that which the body no longer produces naturally after medical or surgical menopause.

14. expectant management (Also called expectant therapy.) - 期待療法, 対症[自然]療法"watchful waiting" or close monitoring of a disease by a physician instead of immediate treatment.

15. fallopian tubes - 卵管(らんかん)two thin tubes that extend from each side of the uterus, toward the ovaries, as a passageway for eggs and sperm.

16. fecal occult blood test - 便潜血検査 test to check for hidden blood in stool.

17. fertile -  結実能力のある,繁殖力のあるable to become pregnant.

18. fibroids - (子宮)筋腫(類線維腫) noncancerous growths in, on, or within the walls of the uterus.

19. genital herpes - 性器ヘルペスa sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus.

20. genital warts - 性器疣贅 (せいきゆう‐ぜい)a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).



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