What does chronic
mean to a medical person, doctor ? Doctor:
It means going on and on a period of time, often quite a long period of
time. A chronic condition is one that is of long standing. It's
opposite of "acute" which we use to mean something that has
arisen suddenly- out of the blue you might say.
I see. Well mine's
definitely chronic, then.
Yes, I should say so, by
now. So-does this acid manifest itself straight after any meal in
particular ? Say, after breakfast ?
I suppose it does. I must
be telling you before- it was always at its worst straight after
breakfast. And it's just the same now . But I can get it anytime.
Doctor: Yes,
I remember you're telling me. So mainly after breakfast. Now have you
noticed that any particular foods trigger the heartburn
especially fast ? or liquids ?
Well, coffee and tea don't seem to have much effect on it, so I drink a
little bit too much the night before, that can sometimes bring it on bad
the morning after.
Doctor: What
do you normally drink ? Are you a beer man ? or spirits ?
Patient: Oh,
beer, beer- every time . But never more than a pint or two. Sometimes a
glass or two of wine. I never touch spirits. I've never seen too much of
what spirits can do to other people.
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