[includes/a6-menu-heading.htm]     [includes/a8-horizontal-menu.htm]
Howdy !
[includes/b12-add-to-favorites.htm] [includes/b13-contact-icon.htm]


It's been nice talking to you.
It's been great talking with you. お話できて嬉しです。

I really enjoyed meeting you. お会いできて嬉かったです。
It was nice meeting you, Mr. Brown. はじめまして。

I'm sorry, but I have to go now.
I'm afraid I have to leave now. もう、行かなければなりません。

Thanks for the information/ the tour/ your time.
Thanks for taking the time to talk with us. 時間を取っていただいて本当にありがとう。

Follow up

I'll give you a call. 連絡致します。
I'll send you an e-mail. メールします。
I'll put a packet in the mail for you.

We'll send out that information right away. 情報についてすぐお伝えます。
I'll have my secretary schedule an appointment. 秘書にアポイントをいれるように伝えます。

Could you send me a brochure/some more information? 資料などを送ってもらいますか。
Could I contact you by e-mail/at your office? 会社のメールで送信していいですか。

How do I get in touch with you?
How can I reach/contact you? 連絡はどうしましょうか。


I look forward to seeing you again. 又、お会いするのを楽しみにします。
We'll see you on Friday. それでは、金曜日に。
See you next week. 又、来週。

Let me give you my business card. 名刺をどうぞ。
Here's my e-mail/office number.

Let's keep in touch by e-mail. メールで連絡をとりましょう。
We'll be in touch. お互い連絡しましょう。

Call me if you have any questions. 分からないことがあればお電話下さい。
E-mail me. メールしてください。
