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62. trichomoniasis -トリコモナス症 トリコモナスは原虫です。性行為以外でも感染するので注意が必要です。 very common type of vaginitis caused by a single-celled organism usually transmitted during sexual contact.

63. uterus -子宮 also called the womb, the uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in a woman's lower abdomen, between the bladder and the rectum.

64. vagina - 膣(ちつ)(Also called the birth canal.) - the passageway through which fluid passes out of the body during menstrual periods. The vagina connects the cervix (the opening of the womb, or uterus) and the vulva (the external genitalia).

65. vaginal atrophy - 膣の乾燥やかゆみ,性交時の痛みoften a symptom of menopause; the drying and thinning of the tissues of the vagina and urethra. This can lead to dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) as well as vaginitis, cystitis, and urinary tract infections.

66. vaginal hysterectomy -腟式子宮摘出(術) the uterus is removed through the vaginal opening.

67. vaginitis - 膣炎 inflammation, redness, or swelling of the vaginal tissues; usually resulting from a bacterial infection.

68. vaginitis, atrophic - 萎縮性膣炎a form of noninfectious vaginitis which usually results from a decrease in hormones because of menopause, surgical removal of the ovaries, radiation therapy, or even after childbirth - particularly in breastfeeding women. Lack of estrogen dries and thins the vaginal tissue, and may also cause spotting.

69. vaginitis, bacterial - 細菌性膣炎 very common vaginal infection characterized by symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge or itching, burning, or redness in the genital area.

70. vaginitis, noninfectious - 非感染性膣炎 a type of vaginitis that usually refers to vaginal irritation without an infection being present. Most often, the infection is caused by an allergic reaction to, or irritation from, vaginal sprays, douches, or spermicidal products. It may also be caused by sensitivity to perfumed soaps, detergents, or fabric softeners.

71. vaginitis, viral - ウイルス性膣炎very common vaginal infection, often sexually transmitted, that is caused by one of many different types of viruses (i.e., herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus).

72. vulva - 女性の陰門 (いんもん)external, visible part of the female genital area.

73. vulvitis - 外陰部の炎症 an inflammation of the vulva, the soft folds of skin outside the vagina. This is not a condition but rather a symptom that results from a host of diseases, infections, injuries, allergies, and other irritants.

74. yeast infection (Also called Candida.) - 性器カンジダ症 カンジダというカビの仲間によっておこる性器の感染症です。女性に特有の性感染症です。one type of vaginitis caused by the Candida fungus characterized by itching, burning, or redness of the vaginal area.


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