
English Skills Help You Get Ahead...

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児童 英会話

児童英会話 ➡ 園児~高校3年まで...

英検 対策

英検対策 ➡ 1級~5級 ➡ グループレッスン・プライベートレッスン...

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リモートレッスン→英検対策、二次試験対策、TOEIC 対策、英会話 等。詳しくは画像をクリック



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英検 News

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英検合格目指そう学習 → 2025年度第1回検定一次試験....


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スコアアップで評価も上がる ビジネスマン・キャリアウーマンのため....


Image taken 8/3/2020

Welcome and thank you for taking the  time out of busy schedules to browse  SHERINA
英会話, the best choice in English Conversational class for achieving your English language goals.

I hope that you will find the right English session you are seeking. Our English teaching lesson fee is an excellent value, tuition and fees are far less than other language school. We focus on your needs and our small class size ensures that you receive personal attention.

Thank you once again for coming and I hope to see you in our class sometime soon.


Warmest Regards,


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