I've got many homeworks to do.× |
I've got a lot of homework
to do.○
私は、沢山の宿題をしなければならない。 |
122. I went shopping at Matsuzakaya yesterday and bought a
trousers.× |
I went shopping at
Matsuzakaya yesterday and bought a pair of trousers.○
私は、昨日、松坂屋に買い物に行って、ズボンを買いました。 |
123.There are more than four million
peoples in Singapore.× |
There are more than
four million people in Singapore.○
400万以上の人がシンガポールに住んでいます。 |
124. We went fishing last Saturday and Wataru got five fishes.× |
We went fishing last
Saturday and Wataru got five fish.○
私たちは先週の土曜日に魚釣りに行きました、そして、ワタルさんは5匹の魚を釣りました。 |
125. Where is the capital of
Japan?× |
is the capital of Tokyo?○
東京の首都は何処ですか? |
126. He has a wide shoulders.× |
He has a broad
shoulders. ○
彼は肩幅が広いです。 |
127. Which of these two shirts do you prefer more?× |
Which of these
shirts do you prefer ?○
あなたはこれらのシャツのどれを好みますか? |
128. I felt very difficult
to deal with this Math problem.× |
I found it
very difficult to deal with this Math problem.○
私は、この算数問題に対処するのが非常に難しいのがわかりました。 |
129. The meeting is scheduled to be held
this afternoon at three.× |
The meeting is
scheduled to be held at three this afternoon.○
今日の午後の3時にミーティングは行うされる予定です。 |
To drink too much is bad for one's health.× |
too much is bad for one's health.○
飲み過ぎるのは体に悪いです。 |
131. My father will
be home today afternoon.× |
My father will be
home this afternoon.○
私の父は今日の午後に家にいます。 |
132. What is
the total sum ?× |
How much does
it come to ?○
合計はいくらですか。 |
133.We changed
our train at Umeda.× |
We changed
trains at Umeda.○
私たちは梅田で電車を乗り換えました。 |
134. I don't know
what did he say.× |
I don't know what he
彼の言ったことはよく分からなかった。 |
If you determine to make the grade in English examination,
you must work extra hard.× |
If you are
determined to make the grade in English examination, you must
work extra hard. ○
あなたは英語の試験に良い成績を真面目に望んでいるならば、もっと勉強しなければなりません。 |